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disposable theatre gowns

A costume is the attire you wear at a theatre show, it has a special style and elegance that distinguishes them. Like in the theatre, doctors and nurses also dress up with special costumes called Theatre gowns when they go into an operating room. The gowns have been designed to protect them from blood and other body fluids during medical procedures. But beneath these almost harmless gowns, there is a troublesome reality.

Theatre gowns are important for the protection of healthcare workers during medical procedures, but unfortunately they tend to be single use only. This is indicative of the amount that just one hospital may be going through on a daily basis to single use and throw away. How about all of the waste this would produce?

Landfills: Where Our Waste Goes

Everything that we throw out does not just vanish -- it goes somewhere. They wind up at spots called landfills which are gigantic gaps in the ground where we throw rubbish! Landfills things decompose, but as the byproduct isn't air or solid,as time goes on most material will rot and create methane. As we throw more goods away, the longer methane will flow into our environment.

Why choose ANPA disposable theatre gowns?

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