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Set of special clothes for safety and cleanliness when visiting hospital Disposable gowns are an affordable, comfortable and safe solution that is recommended for all practices. Here we go further to explore why ANPA Toga kirurġika are important for patients and how the ideal use of disposal gown available healthcare settings is imperative


A Low-Cost Solution for Better Patient Comfort and Safety


Buying new gowns for patients over and over again might seem a simple process but can cost you a tiny fortune. One way of solving this issue is introducing disposable gowns. Disposable isolation gowns, on the other hand are designed to be simply thrown away after one use which is cost-effective and allows patients a comfortable and safe hospital stay.

    Reduced Cross-Contamination Risk by using of Disposable Gowns

    Cross-contamination -- the passing of germs and bacteria from one human to another creates a very real danger in healthcare environments. This transmission can cause sickness to multiply and the onset of new infections. Disposable gowns reduce this risk significantly because they are not reused so pathogens do NOT spread.

    Why choose ANPA Disposable gowns for patients?

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